Use your CookieID
Here you will learn how to use your CookieID on third-party websites.
Last updated
Here you will learn how to use your CookieID on third-party websites.
Last updated
Now that you have a new and maybe modified CookieID you are ready to use it for registering and logging in into other websites!
You can see if a Website supports CookieID easily when you go to the register or login page. If you see a button or option which displays "Use CookieID" you can easily use your account on this site!
Now you can click on the button and you will be redirected to the CookieID SSO site!
Very important: You will be always redirected to the same URL: If this is not the case it is a scam and not our orignal site, you should directely close the side and never enter any of your data!
The SSO site looks like the login page and you have to enter your credentials to login to your CookieID. If you have done that you will be forwarded to sharing preferences.
Please be careful which data you share, only share the data you want and have to. Just click the checkboxes next to the columns to define which data should be shared, at default all data sharing is deactived. If you have finished with the selection, just click "NEXT".
Now you will be directed to the overview to control the process.
If you agree with the details, click on confirm, if not click on reject. Confirm takes you back to the Website and you are now registered. Reject takes you back to the Website, but your register has failed.
If you already have a account at a website, it is detected automatically, you will get to the SSO as well and have to log in. Now you will only come to the overview page and have to confirm your login.